Guide for Beginners

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Welcome to Space Station 14 and congratulations on your new career!

Space Station 14 (often abbreviated as SS14) is an engaging multiplayer roleplaying game.
As a participant, you'll usually assume the persona of a space station worker, but many forks (modified versions of SS14) bring new and alternate worlds to the game which may be set on in a totally different world, time or place, such as our Nuclear-14 server set in the Fallout world.

Most of our servers are medium role-playing (MRP, which encourages a balanced blend of in-character gameplay and narrative exploration. The aim is to have fun and play your character doing the role you select in a convincing manner, as if they were a real person with their own unique backstory usually different to your own

As a newcomer, you might want to familiarize yourself with the Controls we use. Additionally, if roleplay is a new territory for you, we highly recommend browsing our roleplay guide. If any queries arise, feel free to ask in our Discord channel.

The Server Rules

Please read the server rules for the specific server you want to play as they may vary slightly. For the most up to date rules check in game by hitting escape.

The server rules help create an enjoyable atmosphere for all and punish users who interfere with the enjoyment of other players or adversely affect the community and server. Space Law largely dictates what you are and aren't allowed to do while playing in standard SS14 but some servers may have specific standards operating procedures (SOP) or faction / department rules.

We recommend that you read Space Law and Standard Operating Procedure, especially if you wish to play essential roles such as Security or Command. For forks like Nuclear-14, Site-14 etc check their relevant pages for specific guidance.

Joining the Server

File:Launcher server listing.png
A screenshot of the SS14 Launcher with the Nuclear-14 server highlighted.

To get started with SS14, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the SS14 client or via Steam
  2. Register for a SS14 account.

Afterwards, join our servers via one of the following methods:

  • Select the server from within the Launcher.

More Guides

You can find more guides under the hompage of the Nuclear14 wiki.

Things not to do

While this should already be pretty obvious, do not do the following:

  • Randomly kill people: While this is stated in the rules as not allowed, anyone who wishes to do this probably hasn't and won't read this guide. New players might think that the game objective is to kill everyone, but I cannot stress enough that it is not.
  • Get a job change: This is fine for experienced players, but if you have just joined the server, you should not go and get a job change to a role you have not unlocked and don't know how to play.
  • Report false antagonists: Please don't report people you think "might" be antagonists. Unless you have proof, please don't report them. You will most likely waste security's time and the time of the person you reported.

Things you should do

  • Have fun.
  • Talk to other people on the server, and make friends with their characters in-game.
  • Make yourself known on the discord: The server is home to a group of players who make up the Singularity Network community, and we love to see new faces, so swing by and introduce yourself!
  • Try advanced jobs: Once you feel you have the basics of the game under your belt, don't be afraid to check the job guides on the other positions available. It is more fun, and you might get to help the station!
  • Be an antagonist: After you've gotten the basics down, it might be time to try your hand as an antagonist. Here is the best place to learn the basics of the different game modes and how to play them properly.
  • Help out the game: If you're good with programming, drawing sprites, telling stories, designing maps, or updating wikis, we could use your help. Head over to the forums and chat with us.

Most importantly, have fun! After all, That's what this is all about!

Need More Guidance?

If you ever need more advice on gameplay or are unsure about any specific rules, we have the Admin Help feature readily available in-game. Generally, there's always someone online who can assist with your queries, so don't hesitate to ask. To access these options, press F1 and select Admin Help. Type your message, and await a response. You'll hear a 'bwoink' sound when your message gets a reply, which will appear in the chatbox with a clickable link for any required follow-up. Sometimes asking in LOOC or on the discord might be a better option as your question might already be answered or might be answered quicker.

Admin Help is your first port of call if you notice someone breaching a rule or need admin confirmation to ensure your planned actions don't violate any rules.
Let's say you're an antagonist planning to wreak havoc by releasing the engine or detonating a bomb. We advise you to inform the admins before you proceed, allowing them to assess your plans.

So, remember, our Admins always ready to assist when you're uncertain about anything. They're here to ensure your time on the server remains fun and enjoyable!