Assigned to:Loknas
{{#if:||{{#if:Work in Progress||}}{{#if:|[[Category:{{{Category2}}}]]|}}}}
Informal Names: Those idiots with the sticks
Headquarters: Various Basecamps
Began Operations: Unknown
Citizens: A Couple Dozen
Languages: Crude English
Governance: Tribal Totalitarianism
Governing Body Tribe Elder
Military: A Few Tribespeople
Research & Industry: Bare Minimum
The Tribes are various non-organized groups of wastelanders. They usually have very below average intellegence and can be teemed as having stone age technology.
”I like throwing rocks at Bear Tribe.”
- An Interviewed Tribesperson
Nuclear14 Canon
The Tribes are primitive groups that have taken up a chunk of the wasteland of their home; each tribe can be slightly different in its own way and can differ from time to time but all have this in common; they are primitive.
Main Focus
The main focus of the tribals is to survive and keep the tribe thriving against the odds.
Culture & Society
The culture of the tribe is about what you would imagine for the stone age. A group of low intellegent primal humans who usually have greater strength and endurance than the regular human. Their societies are usually based in the strongest of all ruling.
Tribe Hierarchy
Vault Dweller
Vault dwellers are the average people of the vault. They don't have any specific tasks unless they are given express tasks by the overseer. They have the least ammount of liberties but have almost no responsibilities.
Doctors are vault dwellers with access to medical equipment and tools to conduct medical practice. Their job is to make sure that the vault is safe and secure (both in roleplay and actuality). They are given simillar ranking to regular vault dwellers and engineers, but are often reveered as above them due to their accesses, experience, and abilities.
Engineers work to keep the vault working. Their job is to keep air, water, and all other electrical systems working within the vault. They are able to control most of the systems within the vault for good or bad. They are given simillar ranking to regular vault dwellers and doctors, but are often reveered as above them due to their accesses, experience, and abilities.
Security officers within the vault are often viewed as second in command to the overseer and follow his word to keep peace within the vault. They tackle threats to the vaults saftey, both inside and outside, while making sure to keep the vault intact.
Overseers are the leaders of the vault and are meant to carry out whatever experiment the vault is under (if they're even suppose to know). The rest of the vault usually views them as a good authority figure who is put in place for a reason to protect them. This is overall up to the descression of the round, but they should act reasonible unless instructed otherwise.