Washington BoS
Assigned to:Loknas
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Informal Names: BoS, WBoS
Headquarters: Seattle Capitol Hill
Founding: ~2240-2270
Citizens: ~200,000
Languages: English
Governance: Totalitarianism
Governing Leader The Seattle Elders
Currency: Brotherhood Scrip, Bottlecaps
Military: Thousands of Members including dozens of paladins
Research & Industry:Thousands of Scribes & civilian craftsmen
Considered the "single most violent totalitarian BoS faction" in the wasteland, the Washington Brotherhood of Steel (WBoS) is known for its extermist ideas and isolationism. Only leaving its bunkers to explore the outside world for technology, the WBoS has extreme prejudice against all wastelanders, much less ghouls or mutants.
”They don't have our resources, technology, or power armor but that dosen't mean they're a treat. Though they lack in those aspects, theres another thing they lake that makes them more dangerous to this world than possibly any other group in the wastleland. Morals”
- Midwest Brotherhood Commander Jake PerryBackground
Nuclear14 Canon
The Mission
Culture & Society
Initiaes have passed their trials and now are full members of the chapter. Their tasks include learning how to maintain their weapons & armour, while also assisting their assigned Knight or Paladin. They are expected to be able to deal with small threats, but aren't full soldiers of the Brotherhood.
Knights are the chapter’s basic foot soldiers and mechanics. Their duties range from performing simple repairs to fighting whole battles for the Brotherhood of Steel.
Paladins are Knights who have shown themselves to be skilled fighters and leaders; as such, the Brotherhood issues them the best weaponry, and suits of Power Armour. They command both Initiates and Knights both on and off the battlefield, and are dangerous combatants in their own right.
Paladin Commander
Paladins who go above and beyond the call of duty can be promoted to a Paladin Commander; tasked with commanding forces during major battles or supervising smaller facilities. They are oftentimes personally overseen by the Elder Council, who ensure their authority is not abused and that they get their job done.
Scribes are the scholars, engineers, doctors and researchers of the Brotherhood. Scribes maintain facilities, personnel and equipment, study technology and literature, and are the ones tasked with performing funerary and promotion ceremonies.
Falling outside of normal rank, Scribes directly report to the Paladin Commander of a facility, or a Head Scribe if one is present.