Character Customisation

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Character Creation

Making a character can be simple for creative people, but harder for those who aren’t sure how to go about it. You can use a character/personality generator and go from there. You can also use a name generator, appearance generator, and more. However, if you want to start from scratch, here are some things to keep in mind:


This is the most important part of a character, since it is the back and bone of how you’re going to play the game. Keep in mind what role they might be playing in the wasteland and what personality traits will be best for that role. It would be unwise to have a character who hates order, but is a sheriff, although that might be funny to play, so why not? Character creation is entirely up to you and it can make the game more fun for everyone. History is not so much needed since rounds are quick and restart often, where your character will forget everything that happened in that round. You’ll also be busy doing your job and things within the station that your history will be less - if at all - mentioned or talked about. You can have a brief understanding of a history if you like, but not much more is needed. There are also short history generators that can help with that. Just don't have main-character syndrone; every other player is a person too.

Name & Appearance

Keep in mind when creating a name that it is something original, and not taken from celebrities or anyone else you can think of. Make it original! Appearance of course you can just have fun with, that one is easy.

In Character

Make sure you always stay IC (in character). If you break character, that will be what people may call ‘Fail RP’ or something akin to that. If you need to leave the computer to do something, exit the situation from others by making up an excuse, such as, “I’ll be right back.” and then go AFK somewhere safe within the station. You can let others know out of character by typing in Local OOC (out of character) chat. Make sure that your character falls in line with the in game lore and if you're proven wrong on the lore; correct it with grace.

Out of Character

When talking in local/global OOC chat, do NOT discuss anything that is happening within the round/IC. If you do, that is what is called metagaming, and it is against the rules. It is okay to talk OOC regarding questions about general gameplay, or to just ask in the appropriate discord channel. Try not to use OOC that much, it’s a roleplaying game, so roleplay!


While the previous instructions were rules; these are gameplay restrictions for balancing. You can choose both positive and negative traits and they can balance out when creating a character. You have a certain ammount of points to spend and add points by taking bad traits and loose them from taking good points. Your loudout also has a points system. Some items are restircted to certain jobs or time statistics in the wasteland and you will not be able to equip them if you don't meet the requirments. By equiping more items, you spend your points. These items can be anything from coats to hats to guns to instruemnts. Remember, you can always find more items in the wasteland.