Midwest BoS

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Midwest Brotherhood of Steel
General Information

Informal Names: BoS
Headquarters: Vault 0
Founding: Sometime before 2197


Citizens: Estimated 200,000
Languages: English


Governance: Feudal Totalitarianism
Governing Body Elder Council
Currency: Brotherhood Scrip, Bottlecaps


Military: ~10,000 capable warriors, including hundreds of Paladins
Research & Industry:Thousands of Scribes & civilian craftsmen

The Brotherhood of Steel in the Midwest is a vast empire born out of a splinter faction of the original Brotherhood of Steel.

”Separated by distance and ideology from the main Brotherhood forces, the minority was free to forge a new 'Brotherhood of Steel'. One that reflected the ideals they had strived for all along. However, one's future in the wasteland is never certain. For an old power has awakened, also bent on making this land its own. Life in the Brotherhood is about to change.”

- Fallout Tactics Intro


Fallout Tactics

After the Master was defeated the Brotherhood of Steel found itself with a dilemma between keeping their secretive nature or replenishing their ranks with new recruits from the Wasteland. The decision was not made lightly as the elders eventually chose to withhold their technology, fearing history might repeat itself. Those in favour of sharing the technology were sent on a long mission across the Wastes.

The Brotherhood constructed many airships and other aircrafts with the intent to dispatch these members, sending them East to find and analyse the remaining super mutant forces. However as they flew over the Rocky Mountains a great storm broke the fleet of vessels and swung them off the route. One of these airships crash landed near Chicago, while a few others were completely lost with many leaders of the expedition.

Thousands of miles away from the rest of the Brotherhood - with no way back - the survivors began forming their own chapter, one that strived for the ideals they held for so long. By 2197 the new Brotherhood eliminated countless raider groups and beasts around Chicago, where they made their headquarters. They offered protection to the local tribal settlements in exchange for food, materials and new recruits.

N14 Canon

”The region sees new laws established to ease humanity back into civilised life, laws that are strictly enforced by the combined patrols of Brotherhood soldiers and pacification robots. To speed the unification process, discrimination against mutants is outlawed […] Technology is slowly re-introduced into the land; irrigation systems are established bringing water to the barren soils for the first time in decades.”

- Fallout Tactics, Good Reputation Ending

In 2198 the Brotherhood sabotaged the Calculator’s plans to exterminate humankind and all other lifeforms on the surface. A hero of the chapter merged their mind with the machine deep in Vault 0, stopping the genocide and allowing the pacification robots to become auxiliary forces for this new Brotherhood. Discrimination against mutants was outlawed and they were even permitted to enter the ranks of the chapter.

By 2275 the Midwestern Brotherhood became an almost unmovable ruler of the region that they conquered many decades ago. But due to outside pressure and internal diplomacy they elected to not extend their reach further. Efforts were focused on developing and mapping every inch of their land, educating tribals while eliminating any threats within their borders. Through this time the pacification robots were completely phased out in fear of another malfunction, and in favour of fresh recruits & those who were born into the ranks of this new empire’s army.

The Mission

The Midwestern chapter sent a handful of recon teams towards the North-West. These detachments’ mission is to perform active surveillance and report back any findings to the Elder Council. Several years ago a group of people left the Midwestern Brotherhood, they were led by a renegade Elder and travelled to the region formerly known as Washington state. These lost members formed the Washington chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel. Now it’s time to keep an eye on these deserters to ensure they won’t become something the Brotherhood of Steel was sworn to destroy.

Culture & Society

This chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel is quite different from the others, the main difference being that they used their superior technology to pacify and annex regions around themselves. Most of the time settlements under their protection received protection in exchange for raw resources, labour and new recruits. The result is a neo-feudal power structure with the members of the chapter on top, acting like nobles or even royalty. They even have their own form of currency called Brotherhood Scrip, but not many accept it outside their home territories.

Their swift and harsh response to criminal actions ensures obedience from the subjects. Making examples of outlaws is not uncommon, the chapter’s leadership does not shy away from ordering public executions or even applying collective punishment to make a point clear. Collateral damage is usually dismissed and written off as a necessary sacrifice to ensure the rest can live in a more prosperous world.

During the war with the Calculator many in the leadership of the chapter didn’t think of what’ll happen when peace finally arrives, the warriors were never encouraged to be anything more than what they were: Fighters. This attitude turned completely around after the Brotherhood’s grasp solidified on its territories, most Knights immediately went ahead to learn new professions besides killing - but it was never made a requirement.

Brotherhood Hierarchy


Initiates are one of the most vital resources of the Brotherhood, these men and women have the chance to one day become a Knight or Scribe, and serve the needs of the chapter. These people were either recruited or they were born into this society, one thing is sure: They didn’t prove their worth, yet.
This role is generally not playable in the game due the nature of the chapter’s mission in the region, but people can join the ranks of the Midwestern Brotherhood during the round with the permission of its high-ranking members.

N14 Survivor.png


Squires passed their trials and now are full members of the chapter. Their tasks include learning how to maintain their weapons & armour, while also assisting their assigned Knight or Paladin. They are expected to be able to deal with small threats, but are generally not true warriors, yet.



Knights are the bulk of the chapter’s armed forces and mechanics. Their duties range from performing smaller repairs to fighting whole battles for the Brotherhood of Steel.
Whenever the chapter needs something done they’re there to ensure success. Additionally it’s not uncommon for a Knight to take up a second profession as some sort of master craftsman.



Paladins are veteran fighters and heavy infantry, they bear authority over Knights and other lesser ranked warriors. These elite troops are expected to be excellent leaders on the field, given power armour and the finest weaponry the chapter can offer.


Paladin Commander

Even among the other Paladins they are some of the best, they are tasked with leading entire detachments into major battles or supervising smaller bunkers. These men and women are entrusted with great responsibility by the Elder Council.


Scribes are the scholars of the Brotherhood of Steel. They are medical doctors, electrical engineers, researchers and more! The Scribes are also the recordkeepers and responsible for holding various ceremonies.
They fall outside the normal chain of command, only responding to their own senior members and their bunker’s commanding officer.
