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=== Nuclear14 Canon ===
=== Nuclear14 Canon ===

The vault experiences an unknown experiment and has to deal with it every round. Vault 14 is a rather stable vault and has no obvious signs of an experiment inside of it. The residents must find a way to cope with this experiment or venture out into the outside world.
The vault experiences an unknown experiment and has to deal with it every round. Vault 14 is usually a rather stable vault and has no obvious signs of an experiment inside of it. The residents must find a way to cope with this experiment or venture out into the outside world.

=== Main Focus ===
=== Main Focus ===
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The vault has a focus on a neo-40's culture. Focusing on new technology with a lot of the cultural elements on the 1940's-1950's. They are considered much more civilized than many of the wastelands, or even the BoS, depending on who you ask. They are usually very obedient to higher power and are just regular pre-war people, other than being oblivious to the outside world. They only know as much as is taught them and can therefore be naive. The vaults can vary in culture but most of them retain the pre-war elements of the 2270's.
The vault has a focus on a neo-40's culture. Focusing on new technology with a lot of the cultural elements on the 1940's-1950's. They are considered much more civilized than many of the wastelands, or even the BoS, depending on who you ask. They are usually very obedient to higher power and are just regular pre-war people, other than being oblivious to the outside world. They only know as much as is taught them and can therefore be naive. The vaults can vary in culture but most of them retain the pre-war elements of the 2270's.

== Vault Hierarchy ==
===Vault Dweller===
Vault dwellers are the average people of the vault. They don't have any specific tasks unless they are given express tasks by the overseer. They have the least ammount of liberties but have almost no responsibilities.


Doctors are vault dwellers with access to medical equipment and tools to conduct medical practice. Their job is to make sure that the vault is safe and secure (both in roleplay and actuality). They are given simillar ranking to regular vault dwellers and engineers, but are often reveered as above them due to their accesses, experience, and abilities.


Engineers work to keep the vault working. Their job is to keep air, water, and all other electrical systems working within the vault. They are able to control most of the systems within the vault for good or bad. They are given simillar ranking to regular vault dwellers and doctors, but are often reveered as above them due to their accesses, experience, and abilities.


Security officers within the vault are often viewed as second in command to the overseer and follow his word to keep peace within the vault. They tackle threats to the vaults saftey, both inside and outside, while making sure to keep the vault intact.


Overseers are the leaders of the vault and are meant to carry out whatever experiment the vault is under (if they're even suppose to know). The rest of the vault usually views them as a good authority figure who is put in place for a reason to protect them. This is overall up to the descression of the round, but they should act reasonible unless instructed otherwise.


Latest revision as of 22:19, 20 February 2025

Vault 14
FP Vault.png
General Information

Informal Names: Vaulties, Vault Dwellers
Headquarters: Vault 14
Began Operations: 2077


Citizens: A Couple Dozen
Languages: English


Governance: Corporate Totalitarianism
Governing Body Vault Overseer


Military: A Few Security Officers
Research & Industry: Best Pre-War Tech & Agriculture

Vault 14 was born out of the United States vault projected, headed by Vault-Tec, to keep the best of the best alive after the bombs dropped (while in actuality the vaults were made to experiment on the dwellers to teach the wealthy how to survive). This vault was able to survive whatever experiment was put upon it and continue into the current day of 2274.

”I was promised an adventure. Someone lied.”

- Vault Dweller NPC Line



Starting in the early 2050's, vaults were funded by the United States to be built by Vault-Tec to study on their citizens in case of bombs dropping, though this was a ruse to experiment on them for the wealthy to rebuild society, almost all of them wouldn't live to realize this though. These vaults were all mostly construtcted 2063. These vaults were made because of rising tenstions between the two great powers of the world, communist China, and Capitalist American. Even before this the world was falling apart with the war between the European Commonwealth and the Middle East (2052-2060) over the now very scarce resource of oil. This war led to the mutual destruction of both areas.

In 2066, China invaded the U.S. State of Alaska taking the United States by suprsise. Both of the nations had a simillar army in scale of power and the two nations would be at war for years. In 2070, The United States annexed Canada in it's journey to end Chinese occupation of Alaska. Eventually in January of 2077, The United States took full control of China and worked on making sure the Chinese did not return. On October 23, 2077 the Great War offically began. It's unknown who launched their nukes first, but it didn't matter in the end as the ending was the same. 7.54 billion people died across the world as nukes were launched and the world was plunched into the wasteland we know today. People who were chosen or bought tickets were evacuated into the vaults and were sealed away until the modern day of 2274.

Nuclear14 Canon

The vault experiences an unknown experiment and has to deal with it every round. Vault 14 is usually a rather stable vault and has no obvious signs of an experiment inside of it. The residents must find a way to cope with this experiment or venture out into the outside world.

Main Focus

The main focus on the vault is to carry out the experiment listed. Usually only the overseer knows about this, but they might not. If the residents do not know about the experiment their job is to ensure the survival of the vault and their prosperity; whether facing the outside world or hiding for it.

Culture & Society

The vault has a focus on a neo-40's culture. Focusing on new technology with a lot of the cultural elements on the 1940's-1950's. They are considered much more civilized than many of the wastelands, or even the BoS, depending on who you ask. They are usually very obedient to higher power and are just regular pre-war people, other than being oblivious to the outside world. They only know as much as is taught them and can therefore be naive. The vaults can vary in culture but most of them retain the pre-war elements of the 2270's.

Vault Hierarchy

Vault Dweller

Vault dwellers are the average people of the vault. They don't have any specific tasks unless they are given express tasks by the overseer. They have the least ammount of liberties but have almost no responsibilities.



Doctors are vault dwellers with access to medical equipment and tools to conduct medical practice. Their job is to make sure that the vault is safe and secure (both in roleplay and actuality). They are given simillar ranking to regular vault dwellers and engineers, but are often reveered as above them due to their accesses, experience, and abilities.

Vault Med.png


Engineers work to keep the vault working. Their job is to keep air, water, and all other electrical systems working within the vault. They are able to control most of the systems within the vault for good or bad. They are given simillar ranking to regular vault dwellers and doctors, but are often reveered as above them due to their accesses, experience, and abilities.

Vault Eng.png


Security officers within the vault are often viewed as second in command to the overseer and follow his word to keep peace within the vault. They tackle threats to the vaults saftey, both inside and outside, while making sure to keep the vault intact.

Vault Sec.png


Overseers are the leaders of the vault and are meant to carry out whatever experiment the vault is under (if they're even suppose to know). The rest of the vault usually views them as a good authority figure who is put in place for a reason to protect them. This is overall up to the descression of the round, but they should act reasonible unless instructed otherwise.
