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<div style="display: grid; float: right;">{{FactionStats
<div style="display: grid; float: right;">{{FactionStats
| colour = 092337
| colour = AD1818
| faction = New California Republic
| faction = New California Republic
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| image = FPNT.png
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| assets = <b>Military:</b> NCRA, NCRR <br> <b>Civilian:</b> Office of Science and Industry<br> <b>Treasury:</b> Republic Reserve<br>}}</div>
| assets = <b>Military:</b> NCRA, NCRR <br> <b>Civilian:</b> Office of Science and Industry<br> <b>Treasury:</b> Republic Reserve<br>}}</div>
The New California Republic (NCR) is one of the main fanctions in the game. It is a shining light of law and order in the wasteland. The NCR is a democratic nation headed out of Shady Sands, California, though their borders extend more east than modern-day California. Being a "functioning nation with an army"; they must be more humane than the other factions and have to rely on high command.
The New California Republic (NCR) is one of the main fanctions in the game. It is a shining light of law and order in the wasteland. The NCR is a democratic nation headed out of Shady Sands, California, though their borders extend more east than modern-day California. Being a "functioning nation with an army"; they must be more humane than the other factions and have to rely on high command.

== Summary ==


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''- Lee Oliver, General of the New California Republic.''}}
''- Lee Oliver, General of the New California Republic.''}}
== Summary ==

The New California Republic, also known as NCR stands as a beacon of democracy and order in the wasteland, a federal presidential republic carved out of the pre-war California and extending its influence over five contiguous states, along with territories in Nevada and Baja California. The NCR has been expanding to the northwest, approaching Washington.
The New California Republic, also known as NCR stands as a beacon of democracy and order in the wasteland, a federal presidential republic carved out of the pre-war California and extending its influence over five contiguous states, along with territories in Nevada and Baja California. The NCR has been expanding to the northwest, approaching Washington.
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Cadets are the most basic unit of the NCRA. They are usually members who are new to the NCRA and need basic training. Their tasks is to listen to commanding officers and help their fellow NCRA members keep the peace in the wasteland. They are the lowest rank members and take orders from most others.
Cadets are the most basic unit of the NCRA. They are usually members who are new to the NCRA and need basic training. Their tasks is to listen to commanding officers and help their fellow NCRA members keep the peace in the wasteland. They are the lowest rank members and take orders from most others.


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Latest revision as of 14:05, 22 February 2025

New California Republic
General Information

Informal Names: NCR, Bear Tribe
Headquarters: Shady Sands
Founding: 2189


Citizens: ~700,000
Languages: English


Legislative: Senate
Current President: Aaron Kimball
Currency: NCR dollar


Military: NCRA, NCRR
Civilian: Office of Science and Industry
Treasury: Republic Reserve

The New California Republic (NCR) is one of the main fanctions in the game. It is a shining light of law and order in the wasteland. The NCR is a democratic nation headed out of Shady Sands, California, though their borders extend more east than modern-day California. Being a "functioning nation with an army"; they must be more humane than the other factions and have to rely on high command.

"Do you know what you're doing? Making a nation like you think you're doing, ain't like chowing down on a pile of Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. Think you got the guts to to carve out a frontier? Build towns, protect the roads, run supplies, train troops?"

- Lee Oliver, General of the New California Republic.


The New California Republic, also known as NCR stands as a beacon of democracy and order in the wasteland, a federal presidential republic carved out of the pre-war California and extending its influence over five contiguous states, along with territories in Nevada and Baja California. The NCR has been expanding to the northwest, approaching Washington.

Rooted in old values of democracy, personal freedom, and the sanctity of law, the NCR's mission transcends mere governance. Their goals are to restore civilization, to uplift infrastructure and economic frameworks, and to foster peace amidst the chaos. Yet, the NCR it’s not devoid of flaws and challenges, the Republic grapples with challenges of expansion, territorial disputes, wavering loyalties, and the rising of corruption, obstacles that threatens its noble aspirations.

New California Republic History

The NCR was orginally founded in 2141 by the people of Vault 15, the ancestors of Aradesh, as Shady Sands because of overpopulation and radically diverse ideologies inside of the vault. Using a G.E.C.K. kit, they were able to make the land around them hospitible for plant life. By 2161 Shady Sands was a small but thriving agricultural town headed by an elected elder (at this time Aradesh). During this time, the town was attacked constantly by raiders in hopes to open up the town to moretrade. After a vault dweller was able to destroy Unity, a mutant hive-mind army controlled by The Master, Shady Sands befriended Junktown in their first step towards becoming the NCR.

In 2186, after years of expansion through trade routes, Aradesh proposed the idea of the NCR to other major cities in the region, bringing them to Shady Sands to draft a constitution. 3 years later, the NCR was offically established with Aradesh as its first president and a Senate housed in Shady Sands. After his death, his daughter took office as president and 2 years into her presidency Shady Sands was offically made the capital of the New California Republic.

Over the next 80 years, the town began to prosper and become one of the biggest and most advanced cities in the wasteland and it became the largest city not based on pre-war structures. Eventually, the quality of life became close to that of pre-war times. By 2241 the town has functioning running water, sewage, defensive walls, a functioning police force, and the population had reached 3,000. In that same year, the NCR had begun its conquest north taking its ancestral home of Vault 15.

By 2248, the nation had pushed into a new era. It's expasionist policy had worked very well and had pushed the NCR into a great regional power. Eventually the NCR became less focused on their capital and more focused on expanding. In this new era, many are upset as many businessmen and successful capitalists have taken much power over the Senate and have much more influence than most citizens want. Eventually, the NCR had reached borders that looked much like modern-day California and from this, they had begun to set foundations in these new lands.

In 2271, the Ranger Unification Treaty was signed, absorbing the Desert Rangers into the NCR Rangers (NCRR). While the NCRR were elite soldiers that operated parallel but sometimes alongside the NCR Army, The Desert Rangers were the remnants from the pre-war Texas Rangers and were focused on keeping peace within the regions of Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona. By signing this treaty, The NCRR became an elite fighting force that were feared across the wasteland, but it came at a cost. They NCR promsied to take control of the regions previosly patrolled by the Desert Rangers and that meant war with Ceaser's Legion.

They current year in game is 2274, Open conflict with the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel is ongoing, skirmishes with Ceaer's Legion are happening but full out war is yet to happen, the Midwest and Washington Brotherhood of Steels are not in conflict with the NCR. ashi

New California Republic Army

The defense forces of the Republic and the representatives of the NCR, as such, they must try to tackle conflicts in a non-aggressive way, always trying to deescalate first, and attempt to deal with threats with the minimum of force possible, avoiding casualties. Assaulting enemy settlements is discouraged except when absolutely necessary, and always with the supervision of High Command. As a member of the NCRA, you are expected to obey the chain of command. As a member of the NCRA (NCRR also counts), you are expected to follow most of the pre-war rules of war, some of these are written in offenses, but in general, maintain common sense and avoid breaking the rules of war while also following the human rights too.

NCRA Principles

There are a few basic principles that every member of the NCRA must follow:

  • Follow the rules of war and human rights.

  • Follow the NCR laws and help making them reach every NCR citizen and soldier.

  • Obey the chain of command.

  • While on duty, do not: drink alcohol or gamble.

  • Treat prisoners with respect and dignity. Field execution can only be authorized by officers or High Command.

  • Represent the NCR in a positive manner.

  • Wear your uniform at all times when conducting NCR operations, this may change, but you should always look like a member of the NCRA. You are allowed to get your own accessories, but always respecting the uniformity code, also respecting the role you are given and your rank. Your dog tags and rank pins must be always visible.

  • If the NCR takes over a settlement, they must enforce NCR law, which forbids gambling, drug abuse and public drunkenness.

  • NCR Troops cannot go off duty whenever they desire, it must be passed through their chain of command, especially the important roles and emergency situations. Always ask command or High Command to request being off-duty.

  • NCR is not allowed to harass locals under any circumstance.

New California Republic Rangers

The New California Republic Rangers which originally come from the Pre-war Rangers, they are the elite soldiers of the New California Republic. The Rangers are a volunteer special forces renowned for their expertise at many branches, like survival, reconnaissance, scouting, sabotaging and even martial arts. Their primary purpose is dealing with threats that the regular forces cannot handle, as well as keeping the borders of the NCR secure, scouting out threats and other special assignments.

They are capable of acting independently, but they must adhere to the NCRR Chain of Command and work with the NCRA. The rangers are the living image of the NCR ideals of liberty, justice, and the freedom and safety from tyrants, slavers, and raiders. They will not reject the teachings of the NCR, to break their bond of the Ranger Code, is to fail the NCR and their people.

NCRR Principles

They are capable of acting independently, but they must adhere to the NCRR Chain of Command and work with the NCRA. The rangers are the living image of the NCR ideals of liberty, justice, and the freedom and safety from tyrants, slavers, and raiders. They will not reject the teachings of the NCR, to break their bond of the Ranger Code, is to fail the NCR and their people.

NCRR Mission

The rangers are to assist in scouting, sabotage, and higher risk missions among the troops of the California Republic that are deemed suicidal or impossible. Typically, a ranger can operate on their own and do not need to hassle the acting leading officer of the NCR for orders, even though it’s always encouraged for the rangers to act in groups and always communicate not only with the NCRR, but also the NCRA. The rangers must never act with arrogance and pride, that will get them killed, work together and you will triumph, go out there alone and without leaving info for the rest of your comrades and you will die.

NCRA Hierarchy


Cadets are the most basic unit of the NCRA. They are usually members who are new to the NCRA and need basic training. Their tasks is to listen to commanding officers and help their fellow NCRA members keep the peace in the wasteland. They are the lowest rank members and take orders from most others.

NCR Cadet.png


Soldiers are members of the NCRA who are not specialised and mainly work in combat. Their job is to fight off raiders, ferals, animals, or anything else their commanding officer tells them to. They make up the majority of the NCRA infantry and are the backbone of the fighting force. They are usually an similar rank to medics and engineers.

NCR Soldier.png


Engineers have a basic job in the NCRA; keep the camp running. This usually means menial tasks and upkeep on the buildings or expansions if ok'd by officers. They keep the junction running and make sure it is safe and secure. They are usually a similar rank to medics and soldiers.

NCR Engi.png


Medics are the field doctors of the NCRA. Their job is to keep soldiers healthy and alive. They can be found both in the junction or out on a mission following a sergeant. They often carry lots of medical supplies and only small firearms. They are usually a similar rank to engineers and soldiers.

NCR Doc.png


Sergeants are the most common yet lowest ranking officer you will see in the NCRA. Their job is to lead soldiers into missions and enforce NCR law in their territory. They carry out tasks in the wasteland and lead troops into battle. They are usually the second ranking job at the junction.



Lieutenants are the people who run the junction and give every other NCRA member orders. Their job is to make sure the junction is running and operating as intended and carrying out NCR missions. They usually stay inside the junction running things from inside. They answer to high command and are the people who organize the junction into a functioning machine. They are usually the highest ranking job in camp.

N14 Officer.png

NCRR Members


Rangers make up the entire force on the New California Republic Rangers. They carry out dangerous mission either in a group of rangers, on their own, or with a group of NCRA members. They are the elite fighting force of the NCR. They answer to nobody in the NCRA but they have no authority upon NCRA members unless given by officers or if there is a lack of officers.


Ranger Veterans

Rangers that prove themselves to be hardworking, deadly, and serve a long time in the force are often refered to as Ranger Veterans. They are often equiped with better weaponry and are usually more deadly than their non veteran counterparts. Due to tradion, these rangers are usually given authority over other rangers and are feared across the wasteland.
